Health and other services rendered in Silang.

A total of two hundred sixty-seven (267) children and adults received free consultation maintenance medicines, multivitamins and Vitamin C supplements during theĀ Provincial Government of Cavite’s medical mission conducted in Silang on October 26, 2022.

Medical team from General Emilio Aguinaldo Memorial Hospital composed of Dr. Angela C. Fernando, Dr. Hanna Patricia Gilera and Dr. Marie April Jean Juanito rendered free medical consultation.

Meanwhile, the Municipal Government of Silang provided free flu vaccination administered byĀ medical doctor from SilangĀ Rural Health Unit. Free manicure/pedicure and haircut were also sponsored by the LGU.

Patients underwent screening process and antigen swab testing prior to medical consultation and medicine distribution. Minimum safety health protocols were also observed during the conduct of the event.

The success of the event was made possible thru the support of Atty. Alston Kevin A. Anarna, Municipal Mayor of Silang.