PGC-QMS Committees
Planning Committee
ā€¢ Assists the Top Management in establishing and reviewing the Quality Policy of the organization.
ā€¢ Ensures that the Quality Policy is supported by measurable Quality Objectives.
ā€¢ Ensures that the Quality Objectives are established at relevant functions within the organization.
ā€¢ Ensures that Quality Objectives are supported by programs to achieve them.
ā€¢ Ensures that customer information is monitored as one of the measures of performance of the Quality Management System.
ā€¢ Convenes the Annual QMS Planning workshop to review and enhance the existing set of quality objectives.
ā€¢ Establishes the QMS Annual Calendar of Activities as one of the outputs of the Annual QMS Planning workshop.
ā€¢ Keeps track and monitor all PGC departmentsā€™ Performance Monitoring of Quality Objectives attainments.
Internal Quality Audit Committee
ā€¢ Develops the PGC-QMS Internal Audit Procedure and initiate its review and revision as necessary.
ā€¢ Prepares the Annual PGC-Quality Management System Audit Plan including the schedule of Auditorsā€™ Team Activities and lay-outs the Internal Quality Audit Schedule for a twelve (12) month period.
ā€¢ Carries out internal quality audit on a semestral basis covering management, core and support processes in accordance with the
ā€¢ PGC-QMS Audit Plan or as necessary for unplanned audits.
ā€¢ Prepares, deliberates and finalizes audit findings reports and Corrective Action Requests and presents them to the Top Management during Top Management Review.
ā€¢ Keep tracks of the implementation of the corrective actions for non-conformance raised during the audit through periodic verification as specified by the respective process owners.
ā€¢ Keep tracks and monitors the action taken by the auditees on Opportunities for Improvement (OFI) raised by Internal and External
ā€¢ auditors;
ā€¢ Keep tracks and monitors all records of the quarterly audit undertaken by the Departmentā€™s IQA.
ā€¢ Supervises and monitors all activities undertaken by the Departmentā€™s Internal Quality Auditor in their respective offices.
Workplace Organization Committee
ā€¢ Ensures that the work environments needed to achieve conformity to services requirements are managed.
ā€¢ Develops Quality Workplace Standards.
ā€¢ Ensures consistent implementation of 5S programs.
ā€¢ Monitors and assesses regularly the implementation of quality workplace programs.
ā€¢ Initiates programs to ensure active participation of all PGC offices in building a culture of quality workplace-oriented organization.
Feedback Mechanism Committee
ā€¢ Assures all results are valid which reflect the status of each offices as well as the PGC as a whole.
ā€¢ Collects, files, and evaluates customer feedback monthly results in order to determine strengths and weaknesses of the organization.
ā€¢ Recommends necessary actions to be taken to ensure customer satisfaction and to continually improve the Quality Management
ā€¢ System implementation.
ā€¢ Reports the results of the analyses of the collected feedback to the Top Management during the Top Management Review.
Training and Education Committee
ā€¢ Determines the necessary competence for personnel performing work affecting product quality
ā€¢ Evaluates the effectiveness of training provided to employees
ā€¢ Provides planning and administrative support to successfully deliver the QMS related trainings and seminars
ā€¢ Plans and coordinates echoing sessions on the concepts, principles and requirements of ISO 9001 and other relevant concepts.
Documentation and Records Management Committee
ā€¢ Ensures that the changes and the current revision status of documents are identified.
ā€¢ Ensures that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use.
ā€¢ Ensures that documents remain legible, readily identifiable and retrievable.
ā€¢ Maintains master copies and master lists of internal documents and externally generated documents and references.
ā€¢ Issues and controls distribution of QMS documents.